Monday, August 18, 2008

Durban II (45)


James Bredin

Part of the UN was hijacked from Vienna many years ago,
And still today is seems that many people don’t really know,
Because the UN appears to be a sacred place by en large,
Where those with anti West hidden agendas seem to be in charge.

They showed their concerns at Durban in two double o one,
Just two days before nine eleven in New York was done,
Of course there is no connection other than that close date and time,
And anti West philosophies which are not in themselves a crime.

And no one is allowed to have an answer which is a shame,
Being politically correct seems to be the name of the game,
Is the UN a useless bureaucracy somewhere way out there?
Delay, delay as they pretend that they really do care,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Canadian Charter of Rights 18

Ex Liberal prime minister Chretien

Canadian Charter of Rights 18


James Bredin

The do-gooder politicians want to open the prison gates,
And let all their pious prisoners out and forbid all debate,
And when the prisoners get out, they can go on welfare for life,
And everything will be perfect and there will be no strife.

Canadians probably think that none of this could be true,
Our politicians couldn’t be this stupid, but who knew?
But they’ll hide their agenda under some other grand scheme,
It’s all about their Charter Rights, the politicians scream.

Because the judges will be told that the prisons are packed full,
Find alternative punishment and use lots of left wing bull,
Maybe put on a GPS bracelet just to know where they are,
And we’re not allowed to think that this might be a little bizarre.

Monday, August 11, 2008